After a review of the Club’s By-Laws by the Committee and in accordance with Section 29.7 of the Constitution it is proposed the current By-Laws be changed/altered. As required under Section 29.7(a) of the Constitution a copy of the proposed new By-Laws is posted on the Club Noticeboard and on the website. In addition, we are providing a copy to all Members for whom the club has an email address.

A summary of the principal changes is listed below:

  1. Section 1 dealing with, Membership – Playing Rights, has been amended and sets out the categories of Membership and the applicable playing rights. In particular your attention is drawn to the following:
  1. The sub-category of Business Ladies has been removed.
  2. A new sub-category of Adult Female Members – Saturdays has been created to offer Saturday playing rights to Female Members.
  3. Any Female Member can apply to upgrade their Membership Category to Adult Female Member – Saturdays, upon payment of the appropriate fees.
  1. A Provisional Membership category has been introduced as a Restricted Category, details of which are contained in By – Law 1.9(h).
  2. The Playing Rights of an Honorary Member have been included – Section 1.10.
  3. Section 1.11, Intermediate Members, has been altered to become Gender inclusive.
  4. Some numbering has changed due to the above changes and gender reference has been altered where appropriate.

In addition, commencing in early October the Committee will be undertaking a review of the Club Constitution.

In accordance with Rule 29.7(b) any objection to the proposed alterations or changes must be made in writing to the Committee by not less than 20 Voting Members and within 21 days of this notice.

By-Laws (Effective 1 October 2020)

For and on behalf of the Committee.

Mr. Wilfred Ong


Thursday 3 September, 2020