Following members approval of the capital levy last year, we committed to establishing a budget so that we can consider and progress key maintenance and potential upgrades to the clubhouse.

The budget was set at $150,000 and is now available for the coming year (minus the $18k we have just spent replacing the oven!). We have established a Refurbishment Sub-Committee to consider our options and make recommendations to the main Committee. The Terms of Reference is IS HERE.

I am pleased to advise that Gus Elliot has kindly agreed to Chair this Sub-Committee. Gus is an active member of the club, an experienced projected manager, and has run significant industrial businesses, so he brings a strong commercial perspective to the process.

We are looking to add two more members with relevant skills/background (ideally design, construction, property management etc.). So if you would like to part of the team developing a roadmap for the future development of our clubhouse, please let me or Gus know.

I am sure Gus will reach out to members over the weeks ahead to gather members views and perspectives. In the meantime, if you have any particular thoughts on the matter feel free to drop us an email at

Damon Watkins
